Monday, October 13, 2008

Kittens are meds for the soul: part deux

Dear Me,
Here are some big, recent signs that we are a good person:

- We saved that kitten's life. Granted, we can't say 'no' to kittens, but if we had, she would have died from her illness. (we could have said 'no, we don't have room.')
- We kept Murmur (the kitten) despite the fact that we knew she would have to go to the vet and we would have to spend mega-bucks. (we could have said 'no, we don't have the money')
- Murmur loves us unconditionally. She knows we rescued her, and she loves us so much for that. This is the most affectionate kitten we have ever seen, and we deserve it.
- We have enhanced Leon's life, because now he'll have a friend to play with and to keep him company when everyone is at work/school.

We are a good person.

Me :)

Note: that's Leon in the picture.

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